
After His Wife Recently Died In A Car Accident, He Found Out She Actually Lied About Writing A Book And Was Really Having An Affair Instead, So Now He Wants To Tell His Kids The Truth

Since Cynthia’s death, he’s been attending therapy twice a week. He’s been struggling to cope with the anger he feels toward Cynthia because of her affair, which makes his grief complicated. It’s been tough for him to hear all his loved ones saying kind words about what an amazing partner and mom Cynthia was when he was so furious with her.

During therapy sessions, he asked his therapist whether he should inform the children he and Cynthia have together, an 18-year-old daughter and 16-year-old son, that their mother was engaging in an affair during the last several months of her life and was planning to leave him and get them involved so that they sided with her.

His therapist didn’t think this was a good idea, pointing out that his kids are struggling with the recent loss of their mom, and if he told them about their mom’s affair, it could taint their memory of her, which his therapist described as “Damnatio Memoriae.”

While he believes he’d wait a while before telling his children about their mother’s past, he feels almost certain that he wanted to eventually tell them rather than indefinitely keep them in the dark.

What would you do if you were in his shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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