
The Great Guy She’s Been Dating Said He’s Not Ready To Commitment To Her Since He’s Still Getting Over His Ex

“He said that he really likes me [and] that I’m intelligent, beautiful, very attractive and totally his type. But, he feels like he is still wounded from his previous relationship, so he would like to see me exclusively but doesn’t feel ready to form an emotional attachment.”

He also mentioned that he is the “relationship type” but wasn’t ready to enter another serious relationship just yet.

Now, she’s conflicted as to what she should do. If she stayed with him in his current mindset, they’d likely be in an undefined situationship.

She’s been in those in the past and would much rather be in a relationship where both partners are committed.

However, she’d still like to get to know him better and see if he comes around after taking more time to get over his ex.

She wants to stay optimistic, as he said he’d like to see her exclusively, but doesn’t know if his hesitation to form an “emotional attachment” is a red flag.

What do you think she should do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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