
The Great Guy She’s Been Dating Said He’s Not Ready To Commitment To Her Since He’s Still Getting Over His Ex

phoenix021 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

If you’ve ever dated someone who had just gotten out of a long relationship or was recovering after having their heart broken, you know how difficult it can be to get them to focus on you.

One woman is unsure what to do after the great guy she’s been dating told her he wasn’t ready to commit to their relationship because he was still getting over his previous one.

She’s 24 and has been dating a 26-year-old guy she met on an app for three weeks.

“I have greatly enjoyed [my] conversations with him, and we have an unbelievable amount of things in common, making our dates very fun and interesting,” she explained.

“He is also [the] very sweet and romantic type. Initially, we texted and met a lot, then he gradually texted and planned dates less often.”

During her dates with this guy, he occasionally mentioned that he was previously in a two-year relationship that he had to end five months ago.

He told her that his ex did some pretty harsh things to him, and from what she’s gathered, it seems like he dated someone pretty heartless.

When she saw him a few nights ago, she decided to ask him why he had started communicating with her less.

“He said that he had meaning to talk to me about it,” she recalled.

phoenix021 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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