
She’s Sharing A Helpful Agenda Of What To Do After You’ve Already “Rotted” Half Of Your Day Away And Are Starting To Regret It

mary_markevich - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you been seeing the term ‘rotting’ circulate on social media? Rotting is the new word to describe lazy, sometimes depressive behavior. It’s like when you lay around in bed all day, and someone says you’re rotting your day away.

Many people in younger generations have been sharing their experiences with having a ‘rotting’ day or week due to mental health or laziness, while others have shared tips on how not to rot away when something tough happens.

But what do you do when you’ve rotted away almost half of your day and then suddenly want to turn things around?

You know, like when you have a super lazy day, then realize it’s almost 3:00 pm, and you’ve done nothing productive, and you start to panic?

Have no fear; TikTok creator Raven (@lifeasraven), who has all sorts of advice videos on ‘rotting,’ is here to help.

Recently, Raven made a viral video breaking down her agenda for ‘when you’ve already rotted away half of your day.’

“Here’s what you’re gonna do if you’ve already rotted half the day away and you kinda regret it,” says Raven.

Raven’s agenda starts at 3:00 pm, which many of her viewers agreed is usually when they realize they’ve lost a lot of productivity time. 

From 3:00 pm to 3:10 pm, Raven says to start moving your body slowly by putting your feet on the ground, getting up, opening your blinds, using the bathroom, and stretching for just one minute.

mary_markevich – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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