
She Thinks Her Ex-Boyfriend Sent Her An Anonymous Valentine’s Day Gift Out Of Pity

5second - - illustrative purposes only

Two weeks ago, this 26-year-old woman got dumped by her 27-year-old boyfriend, and she says it completely shattered her entire world.

She was with her ex for five long years, and she felt blindsided when he said he no longer wanted to be with her.

“His reasoning was that he felt like he was dragging me down, felt guilty; like I could find someone better,” she explained.

“Context: We did not live together. He asked to stay friends and even sent me 3 cute animal reels [in] the immediate days following, but after a final phone call to see where his mind was, we stopped all communication.”

She informed her ex that she would consider remaining friends and exchanging adorable animal videos, but she never did end up replying to him.

Then, on Valentine’s Day, she was surprised to come home and find a box of chocolate-covered strawberries waiting for her.

She called the store where the strawberries came from, and the person she spoke to confirmed that her ex had ordered them for her a day prior to Valentine’s Day.

“I gave it a day to process my feelings and then decided to reach out for clarification since it gave me mixed signals,” she said.

“His first response was, “What makes you think I sent it?”; I told him the store told me, and his last text was, “It was supposed to be anonymous, so you’d have something for Valentine’s Day.”

5second – – illustrative purposes only

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