Categories: Relationships

She Owns A Fashion Design Company But Refused To Give Her Underqualified Stepdaughter A Job, And Now Her Husband’s Furious She Didn’t Bend The Rules

Chip Chick

Have you ever had a friend or family member who wanted to work in the same field as you, and they expected you to help get them a job?

One woman recently upset her husband and stepdaughter after she refused to give her stepdaughter a job at her company because she was underqualified.

She is married and has a 23-year-old stepdaughter named Mia. She became Mia’s stepmother when she was 15, so she’s known her for a while.

Sixteen years ago, she started her own fashion design company. 

“It was very small and low budget, but I was lucky enough to expand it to where it is now,” she said.

[It’s] still not the biggest company out there, but [it’s] big enough for my region. Part of my expansion plan was to hire other young designers. So, my team and I are quite selective of who gets the job and who doesn’t because they design [the] products we sell, so it has to be good.”

She has a board of people who help her hire designers based on their experience and other factors. 

Now that Mia’s older, she’s been interested in fashion. Her husband’s been boasting about how Mia’s been taking design courses and recently asked if she could give Mia a job as a designer at her company. 

“She’s good at picking fabrics and colors; however, she isn’t good at designing,” she explained.

Look! – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Chip Chick

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