
She Feels Overshadowed That Her Sister-In-Law Went Into Labor Not Long After Her Wedding Reception Started

omelnickiy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
omelnickiy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

It’s no secret that babies take up a lot of attention, especially regarding family functions. When a new baby is born into the family, it seems like the only thing most of your relatives can focus on is that baby. Unfortunately, those who have difficulty accepting this tend to get quite jealous.

One woman is still bitter about her sister-in-law rushing to the hospital and giving birth on her wedding day, and recently made her husband’s side of the family upset when she admitted that.

She and her husband, Nate, are 29 and have been married for almost a year. Nate has a sister their age named Denise, and she’s married to her husband, Wayne. They were all childhood friends, so she and Nate getting married was really special.

Denise was seven months pregnant when she and Nate got married, and her pregnancy was considered high-risk. On her wedding day, Denise unexpectedly went into labor not long after the reception started.

“She understandably had to leave with Wayne to [go to] the hospital, and most of their side of the family left out of concern,” she recalled.

“She insisted we stay and have fun. Lord knows Nate, and I tried, but knowing that she was in unexpected, high-risk labor was at the forefront of our minds, and we made the difficult decision to end the reception about an hour and a half early and joined [them] at the hospital.”

Later that night, her nephew, Ben, was born. As excited as everyone was about the baby’s safe arrival, she and Nate couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed that their wedding day had practically been interrupted and cut short by it.

However, they chose to keep those feelings to themselves, as they knew it would be “cruel” to hold Ben’s birthday against Denise and Wayne since there was no way to control it.

Although she stayed quiet about her feelings, they never quite went away, as her husband’s family has kept all their focus on baby Ben instead of her wedding since he was born.

omelnickiy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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