
His Sister Reached Out To Their Birth Family, Asked To Finally Meet, And Got Rejected, So Now She’s Blaming Him For Not Reaching Out With Her And Increasing Their Chances

When his sister said she was the only one who wanted to meet, their biological family went silent again until she finally received disappointing messages saying they had no interest in meeting her and asking her not to reach out again.

His sister was heartbroken and tried a few more times to reach out to more biological family members but got the same response. 

After taking some time to process the rejection, his sister began blaming him for the situation. She implied that if he had also tried to reach out to their biological family, they would’ve been able to meet up. But since she did it alone, they rejected her.

Then, his sister asked why he cared so little about the people he was biologically related to.

“I told her it was not something I cared that deeply about,” he remembered.

“I told her I was more concerned with being a good dad and partner than finding strangers and trying to reconnect with them. I told her that our parents, her, my girlfriend and [my] son are my family.”

Still, his sister is angry with him and blames their biological family’s negative reaction to her trying to meet them as his fault. 

Did he do anything wrong, or does his sister need to accept what happened?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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