
He’s Spent Over $20,000 On His Girlfriend In The Last Two Months, And She Thinks He Should Spend All Of His Money On Whatever She Wants

“Yesterday, she said that she wants a necklace now, which costs $3k, and maybe I could take it off the monthly money that I give her, but I know, if I do that, she won’t have any excess money, and will ask for money next month anyways. I told her, and she did not talk to me for hours.”

“I feel like the money has really made her super materialistic, and I don’t like this side of her. Of course, people like nice things, but demanding it or talking about expensive jewelry all day really leaves an impression as if she has turned into a gold digger. I know that this will get even worse. Is there a way out of it together?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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