
He’s Spent Over $20,000 On His Girlfriend In The Last Two Months, And She Thinks He Should Spend All Of His Money On Whatever She Wants

For their anniversaries and Valentine’s Days spent together, he has spent about $5,000 for every occasion on pricey gifts for his girlfriend.

“She sometimes cooks for me, sometimes cleans, sometimes offers to help me, but mostly she just scrolls TikTok all day while I work every moment of the day,” he explained.

“Every time I’ve bought her something expensive, she waits a few days, then finds a new thing that she wants (expensive item) and starts putting this idea in my head. If I say no, she will not talk to me or will be mad at me and will beg multiple times a day until I give up and buy it.”

“I’ve spent over $20k in the last 2 months, and I feel this will go up more. I have not told her that I earn this much; she knows that I earn 50k/mo. I feel like I am buying love.”

His girlfriend also speaks about their future in a way that makes him realize the spending will never end.

She wants a $15,000 handbag this year and a brand-new car that costs more than $100,000. His girlfriend has also stated that in order to start a family with him, she needs him to purchase an apartment for her. She also expects a ridiculously expensive “push present” when she does have their first child.

He and his girlfriend have argued a lot about the gifts he buys for her, and he has said to her that gifts should be given freely; they shouldn’t be a requirement in a relationship.

Her response is always if he loves her for real, he will have no problem buying her anything she wants to have.

He does believe his girlfriend loves him, but she just doesn’t understand what he is bringing to the table here.

If they did ever break up, his girlfriend would be forced to go back to work or find another rich guy to take care of her, as she has no money saved.

“It was our 3-year anniversary a week ago, and I said that I’d buy her a jewelry item that costs $4k, and I bought it 2 days ago,” he said.

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