
He’s Spent Over $20,000 On His Girlfriend In The Last Two Months, And She Thinks He Should Spend All Of His Money On Whatever She Wants

deagreez - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Three years ago, this 24-year-old guy began dating his girlfriend, who is the same age as him, and back then, he was broke as a joke.

He decided to start his own business, which his girlfriend was always supportive of. Two years into growing his business, things really took off, and now he earns more than $1 million dollars every year.

He is aware of the good old saying that if you can’t appreciate someone when they have no money, you don’t deserve to be with them when they’re at their best, but he is beginning to doubt his relationship with his girlfriend.

Despite her being with him through thick and thin, she has developed a wicked shopping addiction and now expects him to spend all of his money on whatever she wants.

She has been unemployed for about a year, as he told her she should quit her awful job, so she did.

Every month, he gives his girlfriend $3,000 so she can purchase anything she pleases, and he wants her to have her own money to spend.

However, his girlfriend literally blows through all of that money every single month, purchasing makeup and clothing for herself.

He also pays for every part of their lifestyle, like their rent, groceries, transportation, and overall household expenses.

In addition, he buys his girlfriend clothes and pays for them to eat at expensive restaurants or go on lavish vacations.

deagreez – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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