
He’s Getting Accused Of Leading A Girl On Because They’ve Gone Out On Five Or Six Dates Together, And He Just Isn’t Interested In Committing To A Relationship

kiuikson - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This guy isn’t currently looking for a serious relationship, but he still really enjoys going out on dates. So, when he decided to make a Tinder profile, he made it very clear that he was only looking for “something casual.”

Now, he didn’t mean he just wanted to sleep with women. Instead, he just wanted to go out on dates with different people.

“But I’m not looking to be exclusive with one person, and I’m not looking to be in a relationship,” he said.

Anyway, he’s actually gotten a ton of solid matches on the platform, which is why he’s been going out on dates with new people and having a great time.

One of these people was a specific woman, and, at the beginning, they really hit it off, and he thought everything was fine.

For their dates together, they’ve gone bowling, visited a few cocktail bars, and even spent a day out once.

“Again, though, I made it clear to her from the start that it was only casual and that I would be going on dates with others,” he recalled.

Yet, after they went on five or six dates over the span of a few weeks, the woman brought up the topic of deleting the Tinder app. Then, she claimed that, since they got along so well, she wanted to become exclusive with him.

In response, he apologized and reminded her about how he was not looking for a relationship. He also pointed out how he was still seeing other people.

kiuikson – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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