
He’s Divorcing His Wife After He Caught Her Lying About How Many Times She Was Married Before Him

elnariz - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Five months ago, this 37-year-old man got married to his 34-year-old wife, and he assumed that she was only married one time before him since that’s what she told him.

As for his track record, he also was married previously one time, and knowing about his wife’s history didn’t bother him.

A couple of months ago, he was filling out paperwork for his wife’s passport, and at one point in the process, there was a section for him to fill out her old last names.

He ended up Googling his wife, and he was stunned by what he found. There on Google was his wife’s maiden name, her divorced name (which he completely knew about), and a third last name he had never heard his wife use.

“So I dug some more,” he explained. “Found a court record for this other marriage. I confronted her about the lie, which she wouldn’t take ownership of.”

“[I] fought with her for hours to get her to admit she lied and that it was wrong. During this conversation, I explained that I wasn’t upset at the number of previous marriages (now two, when I only knew of one), but I was upset at the lie.”

He interrogated his wife about what else she could be hiding, like additional marriages or even children, but she promised up and down that she had nothing else she was keeping a secret.

He chose to forgive his wife and put the incident behind him, but little did he know it wouldn’t be quite that easy to forget about his wife’s enormous lie.

“Well, just a few days ago, guess what your boy finds out on the internet?” he asked. “THERE’S ANOTHER MARRIAGE THAT WAS HIDDEN FROM ME. Yep. Yes.”

elnariz – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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