Categories: Relationships

He’s Being Called A Creep By Residents In His Apartment Complex After Taking A Woman’s Wet Laundry Out Of A Communal Washing Machine So He Could Use It

Chip Chick

So, he took the damp clothes out of the wash, placed them in the laundry bag, and then put his clothes in the machine.

When he returned to his apartment, he noticed that the apartment complex group chat was flooded with texts after an angry woman said some creep took her wet laundry out of the washing machine and was fuming that they hadn’t waited for her.

“I chimed in and said that it was her own responsibility to do so and that she knew exactly when her laundry would be done because of the app,” he recalled.

“[I said] it was rude to assume others had to wait on her when these washers belong to everyone. She must have thought very highly of herself to think that others would care about her wet laundry that much.”

Unfortunately, other people in the group chat didn’t back him up and continued to side with the angry woman, not even aware that he was the one who took her laundry out.

A few days later, he owned up to taking the woman’s laundry out, and people in the apartment group chat began attacking him.

They told him he should have never touched someone else’s laundry and that the group had an “agreement” that they wouldn’t do that, but he never recalled agreeing to anything.

Plus, the group chat is still continuing the narrative that it was creepy of him to touch a woman’s laundry, which he thinks is ridiculous.

Was he wrong to take out that woman’s laundry, or were his actions understandable?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Chip Chick

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