
Here’s How To Bring Your Succulent Back To Life And Help It Thrive Again After Overwatering, Underwatering, Leaf Burn, Or Battling Pests

Isolating the affected plant is a good first step to prevent the pests from spreading. Then, gently clean the leaves with a soft brush or a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

When it comes to persistent pest problems, you can even consider using a natural insecticide or neem oil as a safer alternative to harsh chemicals.

Top Tips For Succulent Health

Now, while you can revive your succulents, prevention is always better than curing, and understanding what your succulent really needs is key to maintaining its long-term health.

That’s why you should make sure that your plant gets plenty of indirect sunlight, is watered properly according to the season, and is housed in a pot with soil that promotes good drainage.

Last but not least, monitoring your plants regularly for signs of distress can help you catch issues early and keep your succulents safe and happy.

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