Categories: Relationships

Her Teen Sister Is Pregnant, But She Doesn’t Want To Take In Her Sister’s Baby, Even Though She’s Looking To Adopt With Her Husband

Chip Chick

This woman’s half-sister, 17, is pregnant and wants to keep the baby, choosing to forgo looking into adoption. Unfortunately, their father and her half-sister’s mother don’t support this plan and aren’t willing to help.

They’ve stated that her sister will have to navigate motherhood herself, adding that once her sister turns 18, they will force her to move out.

The child’s father doesn’t want any involvement in the child’s life, and he probably won’t pay child support because his way of earning income is sketchy.

She and her husband have struggled to get pregnant, so they’ve been researching other ideas for growing their family. In the past, they fostered a child who was eventually reunited with their biological mom, which can be a tough experience for foster parents to endure.

She and her husband acknowledged this was best for the child they fostered and the child’s mom, but they were understandably devastated. Going through that experience again would be too painful.

Instead, they’ve been researching private adoption agencies, and they could possibly adopt a baby in several months. However, they’ve been attempting not to get their hopes up because they know it’s not guaranteed.

“My sister thinks the best solution is for us to raise her baby for a few years while she finishes school and gets herself established in a career,” she said.

According to her sister, raising a baby by herself at a young age would be too difficult, and she added that it made sense for them to take care of her baby since they were already in the process of hopefully adopting a child, anyway.

But she and her husband aren’t thrilled about this plan since they don’t feel comfortable with raising two infants at the same time.

Andreshkova Nastya – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Chip Chick

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