
Her Teen Sister Is Pregnant, But She Doesn’t Want To Take In Her Sister’s Baby, Even Though She’s Looking To Adopt With Her Husband

“So, taking my sister’s baby would mean we would have to pass on the other baby,” she explained.

Plus, they realized that taking care of her sister’s baby would be the same scenario as when they were foster parents.

They would be temporarily raising her sister’s child for several years, and then her sister would take the child back once she felt like she was ready to parent. It would be too heartbreaking for them to go through.

Her sister claimed that it wouldn’t be the same situation, pointing out that they would still visit and have contact with her child, and they’d be in an aunt and uncle role throughout the child’s life.

The problem is that she and her husband don’t live anywhere near her sister, so it isn’t likely they’d be able to see the child often.

“It would be a different matter if we were adopting her baby, but she doesn’t want that,” she shared.

While she and her husband didn’t pressure her sister into allowing them to adopt her baby, her sister was furious at even the mention of the idea.

Then, her sister claimed that they were trying to manipulate her into giving them her baby, just like their father and her mother did.

Her sister assured her that she only wanted them to raise her child temporarily, giving the child back when she was financially stable and independent.

What advice would you give her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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