
Her Fiancé Confessed That He Slept With His Married Best Friend, And Then He Changed The Password On His Phone

Her fiancé maintained that they were just friends and nothing had ever happened, yet he clearly lied to her.

She brought up the lie, and her fiancé said he just couldn’t bring himself to tell her the truth way back then.

“I don’t mind him having her as a best friend, but they talk every day, almost all day, on Snapchat; he tells her everything from work to personal stuff (including our relationship) from what he’s verbally shared with me,” she explained.

“They’re best friends, so it shouldn’t bother me, but I’m not necessarily comfortable with her being so involved like she is, knowing they’ve had…relations while she was married. Fast forward to today, I went to pick up my fiancé’s phone to double-check the time for our work alarms, and instead of it automatically unlocking on me, I noticed he removed the thumbprint option and put a different passcode on it.”

“I don’t know how to bring it up to him or if there are any red flags I’m missing. I don’t want to feel like I can’t trust my partner, but at the same time, I feel like I can’t trust him. I don’t understand why he automatically changed the password after last night’s conversation regarding his best friend.”

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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