
Her Fiancé Confessed That He Slept With His Married Best Friend, And Then He Changed The Password On His Phone

javiindy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
javiindy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 24-year-old girl has a 27-year-old fiancé, and she is pregnant right now with their first child. Back when she started dating her fiancé, he said to her that he has nothing he needs to hide, so that she was welcome to go through his phone whever she wanted.

He took her thumbprint and used that to give her access to his phone. At the time, she thought it was strange, and it took her two months into their relationship to grant him the same access.

Fast forward to a month ago, and in a two week span, she noticed her fiancé take her phone every single morning super early so he could see what she was up to.

She wasn’t irritated by this, even though she found it odd, since she only uses her phone for paying bills, talking to her family, and going on social media.

She finally asked her fiancé why he was being so secretive about taking her phone, and he told her he didn’t really know why.

It’s worth saying that although she has permission to go through his phone, she never has, and they have been together for years.

Then, last night, her fiancé questioned her about if she had any secrets she was keeping from him. She told him she had none, which is the truth, but then he told her he had a secret he wanted to reveal to her.

Her fiancé confessed that right before they began dating, he slept with his married best friend, who was having problems with her husband.

Now, back when she started dating her fiancé, she asked him if he had ever been romantic with his best friend, as she didn’t want to be made to feel like she had to be in some kind of competition with this girl.

javiindy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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