
Her Boyfriend’s Ex Keeps Going Into Their House To Grab Her Stepdaughter’s Things Whenever They Aren’t Home, And It’s Making Her Privacy Feel Very Violated

bnenin - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
bnenin - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When you’re dating or married to someone still involved with their ex because they share custody of a child, it’s really important to set boundaries. If those boundaries get crossed, it causes a lot of tension.

One woman is unsure of what to do after her boyfriend’s ex, her stepdaughter’s mother, repeatedly entered their house to pick up her daughter’s things whenever they aren’t home.

She’s 34 and has been living in a house with her 37-year-old boyfriend of five years for a little over three years. Her boyfriend has a seven-year-old daughter, Jesse, with his ex-girlfriend, and they share custody of her.

Their house gets locked and unlocked by a door code, which Jesse knows since it’s her home, too. Jesse’s mom routinely comes by their house to pick Jesse up for her days with her, but recently, she’s been stopping by at unexpected times because she keeps ‘forgetting’ some of Jesse’s things at the house.

Her boyfriend’s ex keeps claiming to have forgotten important things Jesse needs for her extracurriculars, like her skis and skates, and chooses to pick them up with her whenever she and her boyfriend aren’t home.

Once, her boyfriend’s ex called him while they were at work because she needed to pick up Jesse’s skis.

“He told her to wait until I got home from work in about 20 minutes, and I would go and grab them,” she explained.

“Jess is too small to carry her skis and all the gear herself. When I arrived, they were already in the house. Both my boyfriend and I were unhappy about this.”

To make matters worse, Jesse’s skis weren’t even at the house, so her boyfriend’s ex was wandering around their home for no reason.

bnenin – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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