
Her Boyfriend Called Their Relationship A “Money Pit,” Which Left Her Feeling Humiliated And Insecure

dikushin - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
dikushin - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When you’re in a relationship with someone with much more money and life experience than you, it’s easy to feel insecure and like you’re not where you need to be in life.

One woman has been feeling hurt after her boyfriend, who is more successful than her, referred to their relationship as a “money pit” for him.

She’s 25 and has been with her 31-year-old boyfriend for two years. As her boyfriend is older, he’s been working for a while and is very successful. He runs three businesses and makes over $100,000 a year.

On the other hand, she only graduated from college a year ago, was left with a significant debt, and has been struggling financially. Since she and her boyfriend live together in an apartment, he’s had to help her by giving her money occasionally.

“I’m not proud of it since I hold [on] dearly to my independence and never ask anyone for help [with] money,” she said.

“He’s helped me reorganize my finances and seems happy in our small apartment, even if it’s super small and not in the best area.”

However, she began questioning her boyfriend’s happiness after hearing something he said during a phone call with his friend.

A few days ago, one of her boyfriend’s friends called him while they were in the car together, so he put him on speakerphone. His friend talked about how he believed the girl he had been seeing would become his girlfriend. Then, her boyfriend started giving him some relationship advice.

At one point, her boyfriend said, “You gotta make sure you have a stable enough job because relationships are a huge money pit, and you’ll find yourself paying for them in ways you didn’t expect.”

dikushin – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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