
He Left A Girl In Disbelief After Asking Her To Split Their Dinner Bill On Their First Date, But He Thinks She Just Acted “Entitled” By Getting Upset

She retorted that he was the one who had asked her out on the date, insinuating that he should be the one to pay. However, he still didn’t seem to get the hint and told her that he would just take her back home.

Once they reached her place, she unbuckled her seat belt and moved to get out of the car. He attempted to say goodbye to her, but she ignored him as she exited the vehicle. He tried again and managed to receive an annoyed “Bye” from her.

The clip garnered 6.5 million views, and the majority of the comments criticized him for his behavior, taking the girl’s side.

“I’ll offer to split the bill to seem polite, but he should pay. There would be no second date. This guy is ridiculous,” commented one user.

“Bro, if you invite, you pay. If not, let her know so she can have a choice right from the start,” stated another.

“Quit dating until you can actually invite a girl out for the first time and pay yourself; if not, just invite her on a coffee date, and you pay, SMH,” declared a third.


I dont even know her and she wanted to split the bill??? After SHE ordered an appetizer that i didnt want!! THIS is what its like dating in MIAMI smh. I gotta move somewhere else, these girls are ENTITLED.

? original sound – Water Boy

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