
He Convinced His Wife To Move To His Hometown Temporarily, But Now That She Wants To Move Back, He’s Considering Leaving Her While They’re Trying To Have A Baby

insta_photos - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 32-year-old man’s wife, 30, has 12 siblings, and they all have several children. She is the only one of her siblings who hasn’t had kids.

When he first met his wife’s family members, they all quipped that she wouldn’t have children because she didn’t want to be a parent, adding that she would always be the best aunt in the entire world.

He and his wife almost broke up because he wanted to have children one day, but he decided not to walk away when she told him that she would be content with or without children.

“It’s just never been a priority and something she actively avoided. After a year of dating, she told me that I was the kind of man she could give babies to because she felt comfortable knowing that I would be there for her,” he said.

His wife’s family lives throughout the South, from Florida to Louisiana, while his small family lives near one of the Great Lakes.

Three years ago, he and his wife married. Unfortunately, only a year into their marriage, he learned that his parents were in poor health. He asked if the two of them could move closer to his family for a while, and she was fine with this.

However, his wife said that she didn’t want to start having children while they were living near his family.

She was concerned about the effects of the cold weather on her body, and she believed that they would have to send their children to private schools for them to receive quality education. Plus, she didn’t feel comfortable sending their children to public schools.

The activities his wife enjoys best are during the summer and on the water, so moving from the South to the Great Lakes region meant that she’d only be able to soak up the warm weather for about three months.

insta_photos – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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