Categories: Weddings

These Are The Sad But True Signs He’s Never Going To Marry You

Chip Chick

However, if he actively avoids introducing you to his friends and family, he probably doesn’t see your relationship going very far.

He keeps putting off an ideal proposal time

One of the sneakiest ways guys lead their girlfriends on is by giving them the false idea that they’ll propose “one day” when it’s more “convenient” for them, but never actually do it. If you talk to him about wanting to get engaged and he keeps putting off when he’ll propose, it’s not a good sign. For instance, if he told you he’d propose once he had a more stable job, and he’s had that stable job for over a year, that’s not great.

He makes you feel desperate and needy

Some guys may try and gaslight you into thinking that you’re desperate or pathetic for wanting to get married. Asking a guy to consider marrying you is not pathetic; it’s a sign of love and commitment. If he judges you for that or tries to make you feel guilty for wanting to talk about marriage, you shouldn’t marry him.

He won’t give you a straight answer

The question, “Would you want to get married one day?” requires a simple yes or no answer. If you ask your boyfriend that question and you’re constantly hit with “maybe” or “only if _,” it’s a red flag. Additionally, if your boyfriend instantly comes up with a million excuses why he can’t get married “yet” or always finds a way to change the subject, he’s trying to tell you he doesn’t want to marry you.

Ultimately, you deserve to be with someone who confidently sees themselves having a future with you the more they get to know you. If you take marriage seriously, consider leaving your relationship and finding someone else if these signs pop up. I promise, one day, you will find that person to walk down the aisle for. 

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Published by
Chip Chick

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