Categories: Advice

These Are Four Blatant Signs That You’re Being Love-Bombed By Your Partner, A Form Of Emotional Abuse Meant To Manipulate And Trap You In A Relationship

Chip Chick

I know this may sound weird, but have you ever felt a little too loved by your partner?

For instance, have you ever felt overwhelmed because you were being showered with gifts, affection, or extra time with your partner? 

Although all of this sounds great, it gets a little concerning and, at times, possessive after a while. Suddenly, you may start to realize that your partner is putting all of this “loving” pressure on you because they want to control you.

Sure, this kind of super lovey-dovey behavior may be normal during the honeymoon phase of a relationship. But if it continues to the point where you start to feel uncomfortable, there’s likely a bigger problem.

If you’ve felt this way about your relationship, you may be a victim of ‘love bombing.’

So, what is love bombing? It’s a form of emotional abuse where someone does a ton of things for you and shows you a lot of ‘love’ as a way to manipulate you and trap you into a relationship with them.

A love-bombing partner may shower you with gifts you don’t want or need, try to define your relationship or make it official quite early, give you excessive flattery, try to communicate with you constantly, etc.

While all these things may sound like a really good, devoted partner, you must be careful. Too much of this can indicate that a partner is trying to manipulate you. After doing all these things for you for a while, once they realize you’ve become comfortable in the relationship and dropped your guard, your partner can change and become aggressive and controlling.

Here is a more in-depth breakdown of the signs of love bombing and how they can be more dangerous than loving. 

luengo_ua – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Chip Chick

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