
Since Being Discovered Off The Coast Of Panama During The Mid-16th Century, La Peregrina Has Been One Of The World’s Most Treasured Pearls And Last Sold At Auction For $11 Million To An Anonymous Buyer

Although she did her best to take good care of it, there was one instance where she thought she had lost the pearl and discovered that her dog had mistaken it for a chew toy and was gnawing on it!

“I just casually opened the puppy’s mouth, and inside his mouth was the most perfect pearl in the world,” Elizabeth wrote in her book, “Elizabeth Taylor: My Love Affair with Jewelry.

“It was, thank God, not scratched.”

Elizabeth commissioned Cartier to design a pearl necklace for her with the Le Peregrina as the star feature, and it remained one of her most beloved pieces of jewelry until she died in 2011.

Following Elizabeth’s passing later that year, the pearl was sold at auction through Christie’s for $11 million. The buyer was anonymous.

It’s fascinating to think of how that one very special pearl was passed down through history and consistently cherished.

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