
She’s Spreading Awareness About No-Waste January, A Month-Long Challenge Aimed At Helping People Spend Less Money, Avoid Clutter, And Create Less Waste For Our Planet

“Mix them up [and] add some flare to them.”

Next, Rachel says you cannot buy any home decor during the month. If you can’t go to Target without picking up a new scented candle or throw pillow, you may need to participate in this challenge.

Similarly to the coffee rule, participants in No Waste January also cannot buy fast food. Rachel points out this is harder than one may think, but it’s for the best.

“It’s a waste of money [and] it’s not good for your health anyway,” says Rachel.

Although you can’t have fast food, you can still get some takeout food or go out for a meal during your ‘no waste’ month. After all, not all of us are perfect and will have the time or stamina to cook all our meals daily for a month. 

So, you can order takeout or eat out at a local restaurant, but only once a week.

“This will allow you to still go on dates, see your friends, [and] go to social gatherings,” says Rachel.

“You’re just limiting it, so it’s not excessive.”

This rule is one of the most unique rules of No Waste January – you must cancel a subscription you don’t use. 

If you’re an adult living on your own, chances are, you have a lot of subscriptions. If there’s some kind of service or streaming channel you’re paying for but don’t ever use or watch, cancel it. Then, you can see whether or not you even miss it once it’s gone.

The next food-related rule is that you have to use up your canned goods before buying more of them. If you already have three cans of soup in your pantry and you’re tempted to reach for another during your next grocery trip, don’t do it. If you have a can of peas and you go to buy a bag of frozen ones next time you’re out, stop yourself.

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