
She Went On A First Date With A Guy Who Asked Her To Tell Their Waitress To Remake His Order, But She Said No

TravelMedia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A few evenings ago, this 28-year-old woman went out on a first date with a 30-year-old guy. They went to a restaurant, and her date ended up ordering a specific dish on the menu, but he requested that there be no cheese on it as he is lactose intolerant.

When her date’s dish arrived at their table, there was cheese on top of what he ordered, even though he specifically asked for it to be cheese-free.

She said to her date they could get the attention of the waitress and simply ask for his order to be made correctly.

“He said he doesn’t like making a fuss,” she explained. “I told him that it’s no big deal and that I do it all the time. They don’t really care. Especially if it isn’t being picky– he literally could not eat it.”

“Then he asked me to do it for him. I declined. Quite frankly, it gave me the “ick,” as young people would say. He told me he couldn’t enjoy his meal if I didn’t ask. I told him to ask himself, it’s really no big deal.”

“Then he went on a rant about having issues with social anxiety and being conflict-avoidant due to childhood trauma. At this point, the waitress had already come and gone to check-in. He said nothing, and I said my food was great.”

It dawned on her right then and there that this guy was throwing off many red flags. It’s extremely important to her to stand your ground and communicate directly and effectively, and he was doing none of those things.

She felt so upset that this guy kind of manipulated her and attempted to get her to do something for him by sharing too much about his personal trauma.

She felt super “gross” about that during their date, and instead of going out for drinks after dinner as they had planned, she just went home.

TravelMedia – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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