Categories: Romance

She Went On A Date With A Guy Who Doesn’t Use Towels After Showering And Just Puts His Clothes On While Still Wet

Emily Chan

He looked at her with a deadpan expression on his face and revealed that he didn’t use towels. In fact, he didn’t own a single towel because he thought they were worthless. He usually just put his clothes on while his body was still wet, and eventually, the clothes would dry.

Alexia was left with many pressing questions that were ultimately left unanswered. She silently questioned if he had a yeast infection from sitting in damp clothes all day and if he had put deodorant on while he was still dripping wet.

When they were at the beach, he got into the water wearing the same clothes. Of course, he was soaked after he got out of the water.

Alexia asked him if he needed to go home and change before they went to dinner. He casually told her that his clothes would be dry by the time they arrived at the restaurant.

Alexia grew up with sisters and doesn’t have much dating experience, so she doesn’t know much about guys.

“Is this normal behavior for a guy? All my friends are like, absolutely not, run. My other sisters are like, you should marry him because you won’t have a lot of laundry to do. I just—what do you do?” she said in confusion.

Several TikTok viewers chimed in with their opinions on his lack of towel usage in the comments section.

“Wet undies are a no for me, however the fact that he cleaned the bathroom for you should score him some points,” commented one viewer.

“He forgot his towel and panicked, then lied to you because he was embarrassed,” theorized another.

“No use of towels is small potatoes in these dating times. Enjoy the limited laundry, and give him a chance!” exclaimed a third.

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Published by
Emily Chan

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