
She Was Asked To Leave A Tip After Purchasing Her Already Expensive Wedding Dress, And It Totally Caught Her Off Guard

nazariykarkhut - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
nazariykarkhut - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

More and more people are beginning to speak up about “tipping culture” in the United States and how it’s gotten out of hand.

Have you ever been in that uncomfortable situation where you’re quickly buying something, and then suddenly, the cashier flips around an iPad screen that asks you if you’d like to tip 18% or more?

Obviously, there are scenarios where it makes sense to tip, like buying a drink at a bar or paying for a sit-down meal at a restaurant. Often, the employees serving you don’t make much of a salary and depend on tips.

But sometimes, you get asked to tip in scenarios that don’t feel necessary.

One woman recently shared her uncomfortable tipping experience on TikTok, and people were shocked by her story.

Ina Josipovic (@inajosipovic) is a TikTok creator who recently got engaged and went to pick out her wedding dress before the end of the year.

Ina found her dress at the first store she went to, but the experience became a bit awkward when it was time to pay for the dress.

“I’m not joking; when I went to pay, they flipped their little iPad around, and it asked for a tip,” says Ina in her video.

Ina says she froze and could tell the shop employees watched as the blood drained from her face at that moment, as no one had prepared her to be ready to leave a tip after purchasing an expensive wedding dress.

nazariykarkhut – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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