Categories: Relationships

She Wants To Skip Her Brother’s Destination Wedding After He Missed Her Graduation Ceremony To Go On A Trip With His Friends Instead

Katharina Buczek

When this woman was younger, she worked extremely hard to finish graduate school while still working full-time. So, as you can imagine, finally completing her degree required a ton of sacrifices, and she looked forward to her graduation to celebrate all of her efforts.

“I made it clear how important it was for me to have my family there, and everyone promised to come,” she recalled.

Yet, her younger brother wound up planning a trip with some friends and chose to go on vacation instead– ultimately missing her graduation ceremony.

He did end up apologizing to her afterward, but that didn’t make it sting any less. She was absolutely heartbroken, mainly over the fact that her brother didn’t realize how important it was that he be there for her.

Anyway, her brother is now engaged and planning his wedding– which is set to occur in just a few months. It’s going to be a destination wedding on a pretty exclusive resort island, and the price of going is quite expensive.

“Not to mention the days off I’d have to take from my new job, where I’m still on probation and trying to make a good impression,” she added.

That’s why she’s leaning toward not going, and she’s tried explaining her reasoning to her family, too. However, everyone just keeps brushing off her concerns and telling her that the wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime milestone for her brother. So, they believe that she really should be there.

Aside from the actual logistical challenges of attending the wedding, though, she really just isn’t too keen on going after her brother chose to miss her graduation ceremony.

According to her, they have always been super competitive as siblings. Still, she never had any doubts that he would show up and support her on her own big day.

sementsova321 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Katharina Buczek

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