Categories: Relationships

She Wants To Skip Her Brother’s Destination Wedding After He Missed Her Graduation Ceremony To Go On A Trip With His Friends Instead

Katharina Buczek

“And I can’t help but feel like not attending his wedding is somewhat justified, especially since he didn’t prioritize my major life event,” she admitted.

Still, a part of her isn’t sure if she’s being too petty and allowing her feelings to get in the way of an important family obligation.

That’s why she tried to talk to her brother about how she felt, but he just kept claiming that his wedding wasn’t comparable to her graduation. Plus, he said that his fiancée was really disappointed to hear that she’s considering not going.

“And my parents are pressuring me, saying I’d regret missing out on such a critical family moment,” she vented.

So now, she really isn’t sure if skipping her brother’s wedding is justified after what happened at her graduation or if she should just suck it up and go anyway.

Do you agree that a graduation ceremony isn’t “comparable” to a wedding or not? Do you think she’s being petty, or does she have a right to harbor resentment toward her brother for missing her special day? What would you do in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek

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