
She Tossed Her Fiancé Out Of Their House After Finding Steamy Photos And Texts Between Him And Their Nanny

armina - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
armina - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 28-year-old woman has a 35-year-old fiancé named Alex and an 11-month-old daughter named Cassie.

After she gave birth to Cassie, she went back to her job as a psychologist, as she admits being a stay-at-home mom isn’t her cup of tea.

A couple of months into returning to work, she and Alex decided to find a nanny to help out with Cassie.

She and Alex interviewed a handful of girls for the job, but then a man Alex works with said his 20-year-old daughter Liv would be interested, as she recently dropped out of college.

They hired Liv, and things were off to an excellent start, though it seemed like Liv was getting way too attached to Cassie.

She wrote it off as Liv and Cassie developing a great friendship, and forgot about it. She also could tell that Liv was crushing on Alex hard, as she was forever laughing and batting her eyes at him when he was around, but she largely ignored that as well.

One evening, Alex asked her to grab his phone and help him out with something as he was giving Cassie a bath.

As soon as she picked up Alex’s phone, she noticed some photos come through from Liv. She couldn’t help but take a peak, and she was horrified at what she found.

“When I looked at them, they were obviously [steamy photos]; she was wearing skimpy lingerie and in [suggestive] poses. I looked back at the history, and she had been sending these for a while,” she explained.

armina – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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