
She Kicked Her Housekeeper Out After She Helped Herself To A Special Cake She Purchased For Her Daughter

Eva’s sister had broken a glass bowl in the playroom that she had custom-made after her daughter was born.

She was upset about the broken bowl but informed Eva she had to clean up the mess and pay better attention to her little sister.

She left her house to go grab the special cake that Alaia adores. It has a lot of beautiful decorations, as well as strawberries on top of it.

She arrived home, placed the cake in the fridge, and left once more to go get Alaia from school. She and Alaia came back, and she was excited to surprise Alaia with the special cake.

But when she walked into the kitchen with Alaia, she was stunned to see Eva’s little sister sitting there, eating an enormous piece of cake. The slice had most of the decorations on it, too, she disappointingly noted.

Any time a housekeeper has come to her home, she has never had an incident where they freely helped themself to anything in their fridge, as that’s not appropriate.

“I asked Eva what she thought she was doing, and she told me, “My sister was sad and really wanted cake, so I figured she could have a piece,” she said.

“Alaia started crying because she had been looking forward to her cake with strawberries, and now the piece with strawberries was gone. I told Eva that it is not her place to figure whether her sister could eat something from my fridge without asking me.”

“She could have waited for me to get back because I told her I would be back. I told her that even if she did do this, she should have not taken the whole decorated piece because she could’ve also figured that this cake was meant for my daughter.”

Eva retorted that she was getting angry for no good reason and that she should deduct the price of the cake from her pay.

She let Eva know she needed to pack up and leave without finishing the cleaning. Eva was only cleaning her house for two hours and was supposed to be there for three, but she still paid her $120 and told her to get out of her house.

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