
She Had Her Tonsils Removed When She Was 11, Yet 10 Years Later, They Actually Began To Grow Back, And The Pain Was Excruciating

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

The human body is an amazing creation that is full of mysteries and wonders. It can perform highly complex functions on a daily basis.

It even has the ability to regrow organs that have been removed. If you’ve ever had surgery to remove your tonsils, that might not be the last you’ve seen of them. It’s actually possible for them to grow back.

Tonsil regrowth does not occur very often, but in some cases, it does happen. Research shows that you might be more likely to experience this phenomenon if your tonsils were taken out at a young age.

A TikToker named Kirsten (@lil_tachy) is talking about how she discovered her tonsils were growing back ten years after her tonsillectomy.

Three years ago, she ended up in the emergency room after completing a 12-hour shift at work because she felt an excruciating pain in the left side of her throat that made it hard to swallow.

Before seeking medical attention, she was under the impression that she had just cut the back of her throat while eating potato chips.

When she reached down her throat to feel for the cut, she found a bump instead. At the emergency room, the doctor performed a test for strep.

She told them that she really didn’t think she had strep throat because the last time she had it was when she was 11 years old and had just gotten her tonsils taken out.

The strep test came back positive, which was surprising to her. She asked the doctor about the bump in her throat. The doctor said she couldn’t see any bumps, so Kirsten grabbed her finger and directed it to the bump.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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