Categories: Relationships

She Finally Left Her Fiancé Because He Kept Demanding That They Have Children Despite Knowing That She Has Never Wanted Kids

Chip Chick

She repeated that she refused to have kids and wouldn’t change her mind. This caused her fiancé to become even more furious, but she wouldn’t budge. In her view, it would be a mistake to give in and have children when she didn’t want to, pointing out what a massive, life-altering choice starting a family is.

When her fiancé lost his mind, this solidified her decision not to have children and that she couldn’t stay with him after his reaction to her standing up for herself. She removed her engagement ring and gave it back to him.

Her fiancé had a baffled look on his face, and she let him know that a difference of opinion on whether or not to have children was too much of an incompatibility for her, which she’d been upfront with him about from the beginning.

After this, she called her friend and told her what was going on, and her friend was kind enough to come over and pick her up.

As she was waiting for her friend to get to her and her fiancé’s place, her fiancé was still yelling and throwing belongings around in a rage. She left with her friend and now has no idea when she’ll be able to go back to pack up her stuff and move out.

What advice would you give her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Chip Chick

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