
One Heroic Husky From Philadelphia Saved An Entire Neighborhood Block From A Gas Leak That Had The Potential To Be Explosive

sir_j - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog

We may pamper our pooches with homemade treats and trips to dog spas, but when we need it most, our fur babies can rise to the occasion and protect us from danger.

Dogs are known for leaping into action and rescuing humans under extraordinary circumstances. Whether they’re scaring away intruders with aggressive barking or diving into the water to drag a drowning person to safety, they’re ready to react to trouble.

A TikToker named Jenn (@thatgoodnewsgirl) is sharing about an incident in which a husky saved an entire neighborhood block from a dangerous gas leak. Jenn’s account is all about spreading positive news, so this story really fits the bill.

Kobe the husky lives in Philadelphia with his owner, Chanell Bell. Last month, he started digging a large hole in his front yard, which was very out of character for him.

Chanell thought he was exhibiting strange behavior with his nonstop digging and his constant begging to go outside.

Instead of being frustrated with her dog, she decided to trust his judgment and kept her eyes open as to what he was trying to tell her. When she inspected the hole, she didn’t notice anything unusual.

However, she did have a gas detection device on hand that she used for a prior gas leak in December, which has since been repaired.

She tested Kobe’s freshly dug hole with the device, and it immediately detected gas. Bell contacted authorities about the discovery, and a crew was sent out to address the problem.

They told Bell that if she had not found the gas leak when she did, it would’ve seeped into all the houses on the block and caused serious health issues.

sir_j – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog

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