
He’s Divorcing His Wife After 20 Years Of Marriage Because He Found Out She Slept With 10 Other Guys While They Were Dating

Marius Venter/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

For 20 years now, this 43-year-old man has been married to his 44-year-old wife. They started off as high school sweethearts, and then they did the whole long-distance thing for two years while his wife went away for college.

He did a year at a local community college after graduating from high school, and then he and his wife wound up going to college in the same town, so they moved in together after that.

He was under the impression that he and his wife had a solid, wonderful marriage, but that all changed over the holidays when he found out a major secret his wife had been keeping from him.

Right after Christmas was over, he and his wife had dinner with some of her college friends. As they were all chit-chatting, his wife brought up the fact that they had met back in high school.

Now, his wife didn’t say they dated, just that they knew one another back then, which struck him as odd.

“Her old college roommate commented that it was crazy that we met in high school, had a few wild years in college, then ended up together,” he explained.

“I played along and commented that I didn’t know if my wife was as crazy as I was. The roommate started to tell a story, but my wife cut her off and said she was uncomfortable about it. I sensed something was up, so I said that we actually started dating in high school and were together for my wife’s entire time at college.”

“All of my wife’s friends got real quiet, and the rest of the dinner was awkward. On the way out, one of her other roommates took me aside and said I should have “an honest conversation” about what happened at college.”

While driving home with his wife, he tried to address what her friends were talking about, and she refused to speak to him.

Marius Venter/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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