
Her Long-Distance Boyfriend Has Been Meeting Up With His Female Friend Despite Claiming To Be Really Busy, So She’s Getting Worried And Doesn’t Want Them Hanging Out Anymore

To her, it seems as though her boyfriend is not taking any initiative to plan dates or make her a priority– claiming to be busy. Yet, just the other day, he had time to go out with his female friend again.

She’s tried bringing up his friend more recently, too, but he always just claims, “She’s like one of the boys for me, like a sister.”

Despite that, the fact that her boyfriend has met up with his female friend twice since his deadline passed– and not her– rubs her the wrong way.

“Even when he was busy, his female friend went up to his place, and they spent the new year together,” she added.

To be clear, her boyfriend wasn’t alone with his friend over the holiday. Instead, his sister was also present.

She also admitted that she feels bad about getting so jealous of her boyfriend’s friendship. On the one hand, she trusts that he loves her, and she realizes that they’ve been friends for a long time now.

“And I think I’m just projecting because my ex cheated on me with his ‘best friend,'” she vented.

Nonetheless, she genuinely doesn’t feel good about her boyfriend’s friendship, and she really doesn’t want him hanging out with his female friend anymore. But she still can’t help but wonder if not being okay with it is unreasonable.

Do you think people of the opposite gender can be platonic friends? Even so, can you understand why her boyfriend’s willingness to hang out with his female friend and not her has made her worried? How do you suggest she handles this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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