
Her Long-Distance Boyfriend Has Been Meeting Up With His Female Friend Despite Claiming To Be Really Busy, So She’s Getting Worried And Doesn’t Want Them Hanging Out Anymore

alexeypavlov1996 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 19-year-old woman and her boyfriend, who is 21, have been dating for around four months. But, they are currently in a long-distance relationship since her boyfriend lives over an hour away.

So, while things have been mostly good between them, she has started to become jealous of the fact that her boyfriend regularly hangs out with a female friend in his hometown.

For some context, her boyfriend has known his female friend for two or three years. He’s also been very busy lately, which is why she hasn’t been able to see him for the last two or three weeks.

But, when she was on the phone with her boyfriend a few weeks ago, she realized that he’d been making time for his female friend and not her.

It all began while they were talking, and her boyfriend wouldn’t stop rambling on about his female friend for 15 minutes straight.

“Then, out of nowhere, he said, ‘You know she’s just a friend,’ without me insinuating anything else. I was put off by it, but I didn’t say anything,” she recalled.

At that point, she didn’t want to make a big deal, and since her boyfriend had just finished meeting a work deadline recently, she traveled to see him– because, obviously, she missed him over the few weeks they were apart.

So, she actually drove over an hour to her boyfriend’s place, but once she arrived, he was forced to help his father out with something at the last minute.

Now, she understood that family had to come first in that situation. Still, ever since the phone call and the visit, things have felt off.

alexeypavlov1996 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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