
Her Boyfriend Doesn’t Want To Get Engaged Or Have A Baby, So She Threatened Him With An Ultimatum, But It Didn’t Work

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

For the last 13 years, this 30-year-old woman has known her boyfriend, who is the same age as her, but they only started dating six years ago.

Three years ago, they took the next step in their relationship and moved in with one another. They make alright money and own the home that they reside in.

Throughout the entire time that she has been with her boyfriend, he has never really shown her that he’s that into affection.

Six months into dating, she said she loved him, and he has still yet to say those words back to her. Her boyfriend alleges that since she made it into such a big deal, he isn’t going to say it at all.

Every single night when they go to bed, her boyfriend says goodnight, and she tells him that she loves him in response.

He’s also terrible at comforting her, which makes her upset. Any time she cries, he never tries to hug her or make her feel better.

This year, they both will be celebrating their 31st birthdays, and this is making her realize that she really does want to settle down with her boyfriend already.

She did speak to him about this two years ago, and he agreed that after they hit 30, they could start working towards this.

But it looks like it’s not happening any time soon for her, and it might not happen at all. Ever.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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