
He Wants To Leave His Wife Because She Kept Lying And Stealing From Him, And Even Planned To Move Her Family Into Their Home Behind His Back - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 26-year-old man and his wife, Emma, married four years ago. They met in college when he was taking a class he was required to take as part of his general requirements. He majored in mechanical engineering, and Emma majored in social work. Eventually, Emma asked him to be her math tutor, and they started going out.

After graduating with his Bachelor’s degree, he planned to work on earning a Masters in Japanese to further his career endeavors. Unfortunately, Emma didn’t support this, dismissing the plan altogether and saying she wouldn’t pay for it. Because of this conversation, they chose not to combine their finances.

He continued working while taking classes, so he was busy and didn’t have as much downtime, but he didn’t mind. Since he had to split his time between school and work, Emma made more money than him.

Luckily, earning his Masters was worth it, and he obtained a great job with an impressive salary, which required frequent travel to Japan. Understandably, the constant travel brought about a lot of anxiety.

Around this time, he’d been hoping to start gaming as a hobby, so he spent about $1,500 on computer parts. While he was unboxing them, Emma saw the receipt with the total amount he spent, and she was outraged, asking how he could be so reckless with his money. She thought he was only making what he used to before his current job, but he informed her that his salary has now tripled. After the conversation, she refused to speak to him.

“During this time, I began to notice my things were going missing. I wanted to go fishing with some friends one time. When I was looking for my rods, she must’ve noticed and said she had given them to her uncle. I told her not to take my stuff without asking but didn’t mind too much because they were old,” he said.

In the end, he purchased new fishing rods to replace the old ones Emma gave to her uncle. On another occasion, he was getting ready to head to the gym and couldn’t find his pre-workout powder. He always had three jars of pre-workout on hand, but they were nowhere to be found. He resorted to drinking a Monster energy drink, which was sufficient enough.

Emma had been at work at the time, but once she got home, he asked her what she did with his pre-workout jars, and she told him that she’d given them to her cousin. He requested that she pay him back since the pre-workout wasn’t cheap — they cost $50 per jar.

“She said I make enough to replace them and just ignored me for the rest of the day. One day, when she thought I was asleep, she was talking to someone on the phone, explaining how she was going to move her parents into our house,” he explained. – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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