
He Teaches College Basketball, And He’s Not Sure If It’s Creepy To Ask One Of His Former Students Out On A Date

It’s easy for him to interact with women while out on a court, but courting them is another story entirely.

He doesn’t exactly have game in his dating life, and it’s always been like that for him. But anyway, back to this girl he used to help teach, he ended up accepting a different position and stopped being her coach in her sophomore year of college.

After he went to his new job, he did not speak to this girl once, though he ran into her years later for a few seconds.

But when he saw her recently on his night out, he was taken aback by her. She’s currently 25 or 26, gorgeous, intelligent, and hilarious. Totally his type.

“Again, after all my years of rejection, I certainly know what the tell-tale signs are when a girl is not interested,” he said.

“I would…say I’m an expert on the matter. But this wasn’t like that, and I felt a genuine connection that I have only felt a few times, all with the women who actually wanted to date me. I left the conversation so excited by the prospect, which was then followed by immediate and shattering guilt due to the nature and context of our initial relationship.”

“I want to ask her out for dinner. I really do. Is that bad? Am I a horrible person? Am I a creep?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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