
He Teaches College Basketball, And He’s Not Sure If It’s Creepy To Ask One Of His Former Students Out On A Date

ViDi Studio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 33-year-old man teaches college basketball, and while he has previously coached men, he only focuses on coaching women currently, as that’s more complimentary to his teaching style.

While he adores his career and finds it fulfilling, it’s not exactly a job, it’s more like a complete way of life.

Given the hours he works and the amount of traveling he has to do, it’s kind of impossible for him to date someone unless they are as heavily invested in college basketball as he is.

Not that long ago, he was out on the town one evening and ended up running into one of the girls he used to help coach.

He was never this girl’s head coach, only her assistant coach, but her dedication to basketball and her kindness were memorable.

“I take my job very seriously and clearly understand the extreme implications of starting a relationship with a student-athlete,” he explained.

“Even though I was 24 at the time and relatively young at that stage, I never even considered toeing that line. Not with anyone, her included. I try my best to be professional because I love the job and would never risk losing it.”

“Sure, I would be lying if I said that in my younger coaching days that I never found the occasional player objectively attractive. I’m only flesh and blood. But I’m not the kind of person to put myself, or anyone else for that matter, in a position where my having any type of authority over them could create a [mess].”

All that aside, even if he was the same age as these girls he’s coached in the past, he would say the majority of them were totally out of his league.

ViDi Studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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