
He Revealed The Two Best Comebacks For Insults That Will Make People Instantly Regret Even Messing With You In The First Place

Gorodenkoff - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Gorodenkoff - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever gotten into a confrontation with someone that got you so heated that you couldn’t come up with a clever retort until long after the argument was over?

That can be frustrating, and you might be kicking yourself later when you think of something you should’ve said.

But don’t beat yourself up too badly. Everyone has experienced the feeling before, and besides, good comebacks are hard to think of on the spot.

A TikTok creator named Grayson (@graysonpsychology) is sharing two of the best comebacks to make people instantly regret that they insulted you in the first place.

Store these in the back of your mind to ensure that you get the last word in next time. They won’t dare to make fun of you again!

His first piece of advice is to pretend to be confused. “This works especially well when they just made a joke about you—a negative joke in a group setting,” said Grayson.

Instead of ducking your head down and shrinking away into a corner as everyone laughs, simply look at the perpetrator and act as if you don’t understand the joke.

The person will have to retell the joke to the entire group, which causes them to feel awkward and look like a jerk.

The second option Grayson recommends is to exaggerate their insult. Going on the defensive when someone insults you may be a natural instinct, but it will only make it look like what they said was true. Rather, try turning the insult into a joke of your own.

Gorodenkoff – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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