Categories: Relationships

He Left His Girlfriend At A Party After She Got Wasted And Refused To Leave, And She Wound Up Driving Herself Home Drunk

Chip Chick

Recently, this man’s girlfriend threw a birthday party for her best friend, and he was invited to attend. Because he would be meeting the majority of his girlfriend’s friend group all in one place for the first time, he was a little anxious.

Before heading over to the party, he asked his girlfriend if she wanted him to bring anything, and she suggested that he bring a fruit and cheese tray. He purchased one and went over to the party. When he arrived, his girlfriend was already intoxicated. At first, this didn’t bother him because he knew she didn’t have to work the following day and she was just having fun at a party.

“My girlfriend introduced me to her friends and then basically ignored me the whole night. I made small talk with her friends and actually hit it off with a Navy Doc (I was in the Marines, and Marines always bond with our corpsman),” he said.

During the party, he wasn’t drinking too much because he was teaching a class the following day. Meanwhile, his girlfriend continued drinking the entire night. At one point, people at the party began playing a game of beer pong, and his girlfriend paired up with one of her co-workers while he just watched off to the side.

When he said to her that he would have been willing to play, she responded that she didn’t ask him because she assumed that he wouldn’t have wanted to.

After a few more hours, his girlfriend hadn’t stopped drinking. It was late into the night, and he was hoping to go home so he could get some sleep. He brought up the idea of giving her a ride home and driving her back to pick up her car the next morning on his way to work.

“She agreed, but every time I said I was ready, she’d continue to say, ‘One more.’ A couple of hours pass, and I’m ready to bounce. I told her one last time that I was leaving, and she said she was going, too, but tried to take her keys. I took them away and said she’s in no way in a place to drive, but she kept getting moody,” he explained.

Every time he tried to persuade his girlfriend to leave, she said she was at the party to have fun and wasn’t ready to go home yet. Finally, he said that she had two choices: She could get a ride home from him, or she’d have to stay the night there and drive home once she was sober.

When his girlfriend once again said she was going to have one more drink, he was sick of the situation and couldn’t deal with it anymore.

LStockStudio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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Chip Chick

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