
He Got So Weirded Out By His Creepy Boss That He Was Forced To Quit His Job

theartofphoto - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
theartofphoto - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever had to leave a job because of your employer’s bad behavior? Well, last year, when this man was 17, he was so creeped out by his employer that he had to quit.

The man who hired him managed a building, and he was hired to do basic tasks around the building for $20 an hour.

From the beginning, the man didn’t seem normal, and he had an uncomfortable feeling, but the pay was so great that he tried to push those thoughts aside.

However, the man made it difficult to ignore the red flags.

“He would often talk about how everyone else he has hired in the past would quit because they were weirded out by him. He would ask me if I was weirded out, but I would say no because he was paying me a lot,” he said.

Several months later, the man’s strange and scary behavior escalated to a point where he couldn’t brush it aside any longer.

“He pulled me away from sweeping and told me to take a seat. He told me that I had to distract him or else he would do something he would regret,” he shared.

“So, for an hour, I just talked to him about anything and everything. Throughout the entire talk, he kept saying that he was a terrible person and had done horrible things. He told me I would hate him if I knew what he did.”

Throughout this ordeal, he was obviously terrified.

theartofphoto – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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