
He Brought His Nanny On Vacation, But She Might Quit Because He Wouldn’t Let Her Take A Night Off

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When you have a live-in nanny who lives with you versus a part-time nanny who is only with you occasionally, there are different sets of rules and boundaries you have to put in place.

One man and his wife recently took their nanny on vacation with them so she could watch their baby while they relaxed. But when the nanny asked for one night off so she could go on a date, they told her no, and now she wants to quit.

He and his wife had their first child, a baby boy, last year. The chaos of having a new baby has been quite intense for them, so to make things a bit easier, they hired a nanny to live in their guest house and help them. 

Recently, he decided to book a vacation for himself and his wife so they’d have a chance to relax while the nanny and his mother-in-law stayed home with the baby. However, his wife became anxious about being without the baby as the vacation approached.

So, he decided to ask the nanny if she’d join them on their vacation and look after the baby. He offered to pay her extra and told her she’d be responsible for caring for the baby for most of the vacation.

The nanny said yes, and sure enough, he booked her a plane ticket and accommodations at their hotel.

“The trip was a week-long, and our arrangement was going quite well at first,” he explained.

“My wife was relaxed, we reconnected, and our son was close by whenever we missed him. We would take our son and give [the nanny] a break either in the mornings or afternoons.”

Then, on the last night of their vacation, the nanny asked if she could have the night off because someone at the hotel had asked her out on a date.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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