
Archaeologists In Sweden Recently Unearthed The Remains Of An Extremely Tall And Powerful Man In A Medieval Grave, And He Was Discovered With A Sword That Was Nearly Two-Thirds Of His Height

Since the grave had been unearthed within the boundaries of the friary church, experts think it’s possible that the man and the two other people buried nearby—another man and a woman—belonged to a noble family who lived in the area.

They will examine the bones and conduct a DNA analysis to determine if the three individuals are related.

The sword will be closely studied as well. So far, what archaeologists know is that it seems to be fashioned in the late medieval style known as a “longsword” or a “hand-a-half sword.” This type of weapon could be wielded with either one or both hands.

The blade snapped near the hilt, probably during the roadwork activity during the 1930s. Still, the sword was extremely well-preserved even though it was made out of iron, which is susceptible to rust.

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