
While Tirelessly Trying To Find Work, She Heard Back From A Job Interviewer, But He Ultimately Just Wasted Her Time, Tried To Scam Her Into Giving Out Her Credit Information, And Still Had The Nerve To Ask Her Out For Drinks

Halfpoint - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Halfpoint - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

If you’re having the worst luck job hunting right now, it’s not just you. The job market is looking bleak, and the process of getting hired is more miserable than ever.

Candidates are being forced to go through several rounds of interviews, create projects to show proof of their skills, and basically bend over backward all for nothing. They don’t receive an offer in the end, and sometimes, they’re even ghosted by companies.

TikToker Alyssa (@alyssacardib) is giving her testimony on the current state of the job market. Earlier this year, she applied to over 300 jobs and didn’t hear back from a single company.

Finally, she received an invitation to interview for a full-time social media position at a baseball organization. It seemed like the perfect fit for her since she was well-versed in social media and loved baseball.

She did extremely well in the first interview. The interviewer wanted to do a second one. At the second interview, she inquired about the salary for the role. He told her he would give her the numbers during their final interview.

During the third interview, Alyssa found out that she was up against one other candidate. The interviewer said he would let her know if she got the job after he met with the other person.

Soon, she got a call from him, informing her that the job was hers if she wanted it. She told him that she still needed to know the salary. He sent her an email of the proposal, which offered her $500 per month.

He explained that the schedule was super flexible, allowing her to work another job if necessary. Alyssa was upset that she had wasted her time interviewing for this less-than-satisfactory role and obviously declined the offer.

The next weekend, she posted on social media about how she had no plans for the night. She received a text message at 11 PM from the guy who had interviewed her. In the morning, she responded, asking if he had meant to text her. He said that he had wanted to ask her out for drinks last night when he saw that she wasn’t doing anything.

Halfpoint – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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